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Wednesday, January 2

Happy New year!

Welcome, 2013!!  I'm so glad you're here!

2012 proved to be a whirlwind of a year.  It started with me finding myself newly pregnant.  There was lots of prep for our newest family member during the beginning of the year -- childbirth classes, buying a new, bigger "mom car", and having lots of talks with Amelia about being a big sis.  The second half of the year was a true adventure -- welcoming Juliet Elise, learning how to be a family of four, and trying to embrace every moment with our little gals.  Josh and I couldn't be my thrilled with the year we've had. 

It will be hard to beat the excitement of last year, so I'm really not going to try.  However, I do have a few goals in mind to make 2013 a success.

1.  I would like to blog twice a week.  Life is sliding by so quickly and I would love to have a way to easily look back on all the fun we've had.

2.  I would like to get in better shape.  Cliché, I know.  But, seriously, it's time.

3.  I'd like to create a few more family traditions.  They may be big things, such a a special ritual for the holidays, or they may be smaller things, such as having a designated enchilada night (can we Josh, pleeeeease??).  I think having something to call our own, as a family, is a lot of fun and I'd really like to see more of that.

4.  I would LOVE to get outside more often.  In the last few months of my pregnancy and the early months of Juliet's life, we just didn't get out as much as we should have.  In my defense, being nine-months pregnant in Florida in JULY is not exactly conducive to outdoor activity.  Nonetheless, it's time for change and for more fresh air.  Picnics and Bench Brunch, here we come! \

5.  Josh and I will be enjoying far more date nights.  My parents are moving a two blocks away and have already insisted that we take some time fro ourselves each week while they keep the girls.  We are blessed to have them so closely knit into our lives!

So, what's on your plate for 2013?